or if you're not a cabalen like me,
simply say ,
S.O.S.stands for "Sh*t On a Shingle",a standard combat meal of the U.S. Military.It's a very simple but extremely delicious meal
of chipped lean beef cooked in a creamy white sauce,
slathered on a toasted slice of wheat bread;
G.I.s had this meal so often,
they invented that unappetizing nickname for it;
well, the toast does look like a roof shingle,
and the creamed beef, well, it does look like...
But this is the best tasting sh*t I've ever had!One spoonful,
and I can almost imagine myself starring
as a brave young soldier during the Vietnam War,
just like Charlie Sheen in Oliver Stone's PLATOON.
As far as I know,
there are only three restaurants that serve
this American dish here in the Philippines,
all of them can be found in Angeles City,
and the best version is available at VFW,
just outside the Friendship Gate of Clark.
(thanks to Awesome Anton for the pics!) The VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Canteenis a favorite restaurant of my relatives from
San Fernando and Angeles,
and has now become a regular stopover
of the Ultimate Pampanga Food Tours!

I guarantee that you'll fight for your right to eat the S.O.S.
as well as the other authentic American fare
served with military precision by the friendly folks
led by Manager Ding and his fine serving staff.
Make it a point to visit VFW
the next time you're in the Clark area,
or if you're on your way up to Baguio.
THAT'S AN ORDER, Soldier!!!