Malacañang Blinks: EDSA Day is a HOLIDAY.... BUT.
We wore these T-shirts in 1986 for a reason;
and that reason was not just for any vapid excuse
to get an extra three-day long weekend.
When we wore these yellow symbols
of our fight against a dictatorship,
we knew that we could be picked up
at any time by the minions of martial law;
we understood that by donning these shirts,
it became our uniform in our war against
the deceptions and abuses of that era.

And when People Power miraculously triumphed
without bloodshed on February 25, 1986,
we celebrated the new dawn in our nation's history.
We were patriotic witnesses,
and we were proudly part of our country's
Second Independence Day.
And now, to have our EDSA seemingly reduced
to an arbitrary holiday dependent entirely
on the whims and caprices of minor flunkies
more concerned about too many long weekends
than the real meaning of that February day,
the same petty people who cannot make up their minds
and immediately backpedal and issue sanctimonious
declarations to the contrary,
brings back memories of the doublespeak and hubris
that characterized the rabid barking dogs of Marcos.
Ironically, EDSA II brought back
everything that we fought against
back in those halcyon days of EDSA I.
All the more reason to remember,
honor, and celebrate,
our one and only EDSA Day next week.
Holiday or no holiday.

Tuesday, Feb. 17:
"Feb. 25 was not included in the list of holidays
under Proclamation 1699 issued by President Arroyo
setting the holidays for 2009.
This was not included in the calendar of holidays,
I think there are many long weekends and long holidays,
that’s why Feb. 25 was not considered”
Thursday, February 19:
"President Arroyo on Thursday declared February 23
as a special holiday for all private and public schools
to commemorate the 23rd anniversary
of the 1986 People Power Revolution in EDSA.
The historic event which restored and ushered
political, social and economic reforms in the country,
serves as an inspiration to Filipinos everywhere
as we continue to chart our collective effort
as a nation and as a people."