Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Yung May PULP BITS Siempre!!!
when I found it in convenience stores in Beijing.
While I have absolutely zero idea
what the Chinese characters mean,
I know one thing:
this juice tastes exactly like this,
complete with all those pulpy bits;
one of my favorite grocery must-buys years back
whenever I'd spend summers in San Francisco...
now available at the Metro Supermarkets
at Market! Market! @ The Fort
and Ayala Center Cebu:
P29.00 per bottle.
Frozen Minute Maid OJ
always available at Cala Foods and Target
stores all over the Bay Area:
$2.79 per can.
This Novel Will RUIN My Sleep....
for the past six months searching for this book,
I found the only copy available at Powerbooks Megamall
this afternoon.
(insert evil cackle here)
Goodbye, my dibidis!!!
Guest Reviewer: Stephen King
When I heard that Scott Smith was publishing a new novel this summer,
I felt the way I did when my kids came in an hour or two late
from their weekend dates:
a combination of welcoming relief
(thank God you're back)
mingled with exasperation and anger
(where the hell have you been?).
Well, it's only a book, you say, and maybe that's true,
but Scott Smith is a singularly gifted writer,
and it seems to me that the twelve years between his debut--
the cult smash A Simple Plan--
and his return this summer with The Ruins is cause for exasperation,
if not outright anger.
Certainly Smith,
who has been invisible
save for his Academy Award-nominated screenplay
for the film version of A Simple Plan,
will have some 'splainin to do about how he spent his summer vacation.
Make that his last twelve summer vacations.
But enough.
The new book is here,
and the question devotees of A Simple Plan will want answered
is whether or not this book generates anything
like Plan's harrowing suspense.
The answer is yes.
The Ruins is going to be America's literary shock-show this summer,
doing for vacations in Mexico
what Jaws did for beach weekends on Long Island.
Is it as successful and fulfilling as a novel?
The answer is not quite, but I can live with that,
because it's riskier.
There will be reviews of this book by critics
who have little liking or understanding for popular fiction
who'll dismiss it as nothing but a short story
that has been bloated to novel length
(I'm thinking of Michiko Kakutani,
for instance, who microwaved Smith's first book).
These critics,
who steadfastly grant pop fiction no virtue but raw plot,
will miss the dazzle of Smith's technique;
The Ruins is the equivalent of a triple axel
that just misses perfection
because something's wrong with the final spin.
It's hard to say much about the book without giving away everything,
because the thing is as simple and deadly
as a leg-hold trap concealed in a drift of leaves…
in this case,
a mass of vines.
You've got four young American tourists--
Eric, Jeff, Amy, and Stacy--
in Cancun.
They make friends with a German named Mathias
whose brother has gone off into the jungle with some archeologists.
These five, plus a cheerful Greek with no English
(but a plentiful supply of tequila),
head up a jungle trail to find Mathias's brother…
the archaeologists…
and the ruins.
Well, two out of three ain't bad,
according to the old saying,
and in this case;
what's waiting in the jungle isn't just bad, it's horrible.
Most of The Ruins's 300-plus pages
is one long, screaming close-up of that horror.
There's no let-up,
not so much as a chapter-break
where you can catch your breath.
I felt that The Ruins did draw on a trifle,
but I found Scott Smith's refusal to look away heroic,
just as I did in A Simple Plan.
It's the trappings of horror and suspense
that will make the book a best seller,
but its claim to literature lies in its unflinching naturalism.
It's no Heart of Darkness,
but at its
claustrophobic best,
it made me think of Frank Norris.
Not a bad comparison, at that.
One only hopes Mr. Smith won't stay away so long next time.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The great thing about living in the Philippines?
You get to experience the unexpected every single day.
And no,
not just anomalies like cashiered military officers
ending up in back-to-back winning positions in the Senate.
I'm referring to the amazing beauty
you can spot even in the most mundane of places...

in this case,
at my favorite stopover along the northbound lane of SLEX,
a must-visit gas station (!) on your way back to MMLA;
before you hit the crawling congestion of Alabang-Sucat-Bicutan,
I advise that you take a bathroom break,
shop at the NIKE outlet,
eat at the authentic Thai noodle joint,
and grab some last minute pasalubong from Laguna and Quezon,
all at the TOTAL gas station here.
SMB's New Look
After my dalliances with
Red Horse
Super Dry
Blue Ice
San Mig Light
I finally came home
and settled with my Pale Pilsen beloved
three years ago.
We've decided that ours is THE lifelong commitment.
And I'm happy to say
that a quarter of a century into our romance,
the character of my brew has only gotten better,
and its external appearance,
instead of fading with time,
has matured into that of a world-class beauty.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
a rat-breaking work of staggering genius : RATATOUILLE

I couldn't help myself and watched the pirated dibidi,
which was surprisingly clear!!!

I've never seen computer animation like this before,
and most likely, neither have you.
Simply put,
it doesn't look like a damn CGI movie,
it looks like a painting in motion......
it's years beyond Happy Feet, Madagascar, and yes, Shrek III.
It will make you feel the same way you did
the first time you saw Terminator 2 and The Matrix.
And like those two groundbreaking films,
the amazing digital effects never got in the way
of the excellent stories of the movies.

This is Pixar at its best, people.
For fans of the ff:
1. the Indiana Jones series
2. Amelie and Casablanca
3. Toy Story 1 & 2, Monsters Inc., A Bug's Life, The Incredibles, & Cars
4. Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Iron Chef, Jamie Oliver, Mario Batali,
and all the other Food Network shows....
this is YOUR movie!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007
MALATE, Manila (PorkRoom)~~

an unsuspecting pig population,
a pogrom of pork barbecued,
Korean style.

Grilled octopii, marinated in a spicy-sweet kimchee sauce,
then slow-cooked over low heat with fresh cabbage,
until tender and just right to the bite.
And the verdict?

was what to drink with the Korean delicacies.
Soju or Pale?
we went with both!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
How to Wipe the Floor with AMERICAN IDOL...
is amazing not only for the talent you will see and hear,
but perhaps,
even more amazing because this is the first time
you'll probably see SIMON COWELL applauding madly
and grinning ear to ear in appreciation of a genuine discovery.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bitter SUITE
thanks to the fine folk of
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review.
Celebrated in pre-WWII France for her bestselling fiction,
the Jewish Russian-born author
was shipped to Auschwitz in the summer of 1942,
months after this long-lost masterwork was composed.
Irene Némirovsky,
a convert to Catholicism,
began a planned five-novel cycle as Nazi forces
overran northern France in 1940.
This gripping "suite,"
collecting the first two unpolished
but wondrously literary sections of a work cut short,
have surfaced more than six decades after her death.
The first, "Storm in June,"
chronicles the connecting lives of a disparate clutch of Parisians,
all fleeing city comforts for the chaotic countryside,
mere hours ahead of the advancing Germans.
The second, "Dolce,"
set in 1941 in a farming village under German occupation,
tells how peasant farmers, their pretty daughters and petit bourgeois collaborationists coexisted with their Nazi rulers.
In a workbook entry penned just weeks before her arrest,
Némirovsky noted that her goal was to describe "daily life,
the emotional life and especially the comedy it provides."
This heroic work does just that,
by focusing—with compassion and clarity—on individual human dramas.
Némirovsky's plan consisted of five parts.
She completed only the first two before she was murdered in Auschwitz.