Monday, October 23, 2006

after watching WORLD TRADE CENTER, read this:

Another excellent find from BIBLIARCH.

Based on exhaustive research,
interviews with survivors,
and transcripts of frantic 911 calls
and FDNY/NYPD radio transmissions,

this will put you right smack in the middle of the tragedy
of those 102 minutes,
from the time the 1st plane struck the North Tower,
right up to the the collapse of the second tower.

along the way,
you'll discover the hubris of the Towers' designers,
the major flaws in the construction,
and what it was really like INSIDE during those fateful minutes.

The final chapters deal with the character
portrayed by Nic Cage in World Trade Center.

chilling, heartbreaking, yet life-affirming.
A Must Read!!


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