Thursday, October 19, 2006


Mr. Pagsi,
(Onofre Pagsanghan),
one of the Philippines' best ever teachers,
and an Icon of the Ateneo High School,

has taught generations of Ateneo freshmen
to appreciate "MP"s, or Memorable Passages
from our Pilipino and English literary studies.

As a result,
most of my books from first year high school,
James Hilton's LOST HORIZON in particular,
look like this:

I have half a mind to get one of those
old-fashioned pencil type highlighters,
you know the ones that have a string
that you pull to unwrap the soft yellow "lead"?

It's all because of this book below,
which I finally found at Powerbooks last week.
I started reading it last night,
and it has more than lived up to its promise.

Any book that has 8 pages of rave review blurbs
before you even get to the title page,
has got to be great!

"At a tender age, standing in the bar,
I decided that life is a sequence of romances,
each new romance a response to a previous romance.

But I was only one of many romantics in the bar
who had reached this conclusion,
who believed in this chain reaction of love.

It was this belief, as much as the bar,
that united us,
and this is why my story is just one strand
in the cord that braided all our love stories together."

~~~ and that's just from the prologue.
no wonder this was named as of of The Best Books of 2005.


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