must watch : ANNIE HALL

if you've never seen any Woody Allen movie,
this is the one to watch.
featuring classic "Woody" lines like :
"Hey, don't knock masturbation.
It's sex with someone I love!"
Annie Hall definitely has aged very well,
and does NOT seem dated at all.
It's far wittier than any
Jennifer Aniston/Sarah Jessica Parker
romantic comedy you'll see in 2006.
Diane Keaton
started a neckties-for-women fashion fad and
her title character absolutely glows:
she smokes grass before making love.
ahhh, the perfect woman,
be it in the 1970s or any other decade!!!
watch out too for the cameos
by the then unknown Jeff Goldblum,
a blink-and-you'll-miss-her Sigourney Weaver,
and most memorably,
Christopher Walken,
playing the role he does best....
what else?
Annie Hall's Demented Brother.
No surprise that this movie won
the Oscar for Best Picture in 1977.
An excellent 30-year old movie indeed....
I love Woody Allen's movies. All of them! Have you read his book Side Effects which came out several years ago? It's a riot. Check it out!
Agree wholeheartedly. Although that masturbation line is from yet another Woody Allen great, Hannah & Her Sisters...
didn't you and Tanny appear in a Woody Allen film as unintentional extras when he was still based in NYC?
I wish!
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