Welcome to the BETA Version of YahooMail!!!

I had dinner with two gorgeous nurses from UP-PGH
earlier this evening...
(sadly, it really was a business dinner,
and NOT a spankymonkey business dinner either)
since they are in the business of recruiting
their fellow nurses for U.S. deployment,
talk got around about how to best communicate
via e-mail, and of course, i recommended
lo and behold,
upon logging on a few minutes ago,
i was pleased to discover that my 5-year old
"spanxlinx" Yahoo e-mail account
had magically changed into the New Beta Version.
1. The new YahooMail
has an interface similar to that of MS Outlook,
complete with a "reading pane" where you can preview
your e-mail messages before opening them.
2. And just like MS Outlook,
you can "Mark as Unread" the important messages
you'd like to be highlighted for easy recall.
3. There are a lot of "drag and drop" features,
which allow you to easily organize your e-mail,
or easily classify/delete messages by dragging them,
singly or in groups, to the proper folders.
4. I'm sure I'll discover more cool new features
as I go along, but for now,
the best improvement I can see (literally),
is the fact that upon opening an e-mail with attached pics,
you can view them as full-size images,
and not as eye-straining irritating thumbnails.
The one thing that Yahoo Beta still doesn't do?
integrate chatting with your e-mailing.
and if only for that,
I'd say that Gmail is still the way to go!!
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