BOOKS for the BIG BOYS....
... and the Women who love Them.

Ever since I read a review of this memoir
more than a year ago in Entertainment Weekly,
I've been looking for it on the shelves of Fully Booked,
Bibliarch, A Different Bookstore, Powerbooks, & NBS.
It ought to be the book for every
SMB-guzzling, barhopping, hangover-enduring Pinoy drinker.
I finally lucked out earlier this evening,
at the heavily-stocked Powerbooks' Mall of Asia store.
Can't wait to dive into this bar!!!
here's a reader review from
Reviewer: Jessica Lux-Baumann "LaGizma" (Rosamond, CA)
This is one of those books that paralyzes the reviewer in its beauty. What can I say to convince you to read this book? Ideally, I'd just highlight every single line and make you read it.
It is nearly impossible to pin down
one theme Moehringer's memoir is about:
Fatherless boys?
Working class moms trying to make ends meet?
The search for a father figure in a crowd of bartenders?
The genesis of a journalist, of a writer?
The life of a blue-collar Yalie?
Determining one's purpose in life?
An intense character study of men in a bar?
The rebellion of a son against his mom's intense love and support?
Society's love affair with alcohol?
In the end,
this memoir is all of this and so much more,
told in marvelous prose.

Now this trade paperback had a most interesting blurb:
"The Male Carrie Bradshaw has finally revealed all"
or something like that!
I think that it seems to be the non-fiction version
of Nick Hornby's dick-lit classic, HIGH FIDELITY.
I didn't buy the book yet,
mainly because I'd like to co-opt the concept,
and write the Pinoy Male's version.
I already have a title in mind:
"I Never Turned Down a Blind Date in My Life"
Will mine be a memoir?
A "tell all" book with names changed to protect identities?
(and to protect my life and limb)
A satire or a self-effacing auto and eroto-biography?
and thoughts of lawsuits & death threats,
will Tell...
here's a reader review of The Bachelor Chronicles,
again, from
A brutally honest and consistently hilarious book!
Reviewer: A guy who reads
When I first got the book,
I had planned to save it for a long flight.
But when I started reading the first few pages,
I couldn't stop -
and finished the damn thing by the next morning.
The author's hilarious accounts
of his horrible dating experiences are a wonderful anecdote
to all the stultifyingly dumb dating crap
you read in self-help books and magazines
by socalled experts who you know,
secretly, haven't had dates in years.
Geraci, one of those socalled experts,
decides to tell the truth:
that in fact, as an expert he is an expert idiot,
a man as clumsy, insecure and shallow as every other dope.
What separates this book from being just another
"funny account" of some guy's dating life,
however, is the author's affable, witty and poignant writing style.
There are countless laugh out loud lines in the book -
and there are other passages within the book
that make you think,
"This guy pretty much knows what we're all thinking."
Buy the book.

Ever since I read a review of this memoir
more than a year ago in Entertainment Weekly,
I've been looking for it on the shelves of Fully Booked,
Bibliarch, A Different Bookstore, Powerbooks, & NBS.
It ought to be the book for every
SMB-guzzling, barhopping, hangover-enduring Pinoy drinker.
I finally lucked out earlier this evening,
at the heavily-stocked Powerbooks' Mall of Asia store.
Can't wait to dive into this bar!!!
here's a reader review from
Reviewer: Jessica Lux-Baumann "LaGizma" (Rosamond, CA)
This is one of those books that paralyzes the reviewer in its beauty. What can I say to convince you to read this book? Ideally, I'd just highlight every single line and make you read it.
It is nearly impossible to pin down
one theme Moehringer's memoir is about:
Fatherless boys?
Working class moms trying to make ends meet?
The search for a father figure in a crowd of bartenders?
The genesis of a journalist, of a writer?
The life of a blue-collar Yalie?
Determining one's purpose in life?
An intense character study of men in a bar?
The rebellion of a son against his mom's intense love and support?
Society's love affair with alcohol?
In the end,
this memoir is all of this and so much more,
told in marvelous prose.

Now this trade paperback had a most interesting blurb:
"The Male Carrie Bradshaw has finally revealed all"
or something like that!
I think that it seems to be the non-fiction version
of Nick Hornby's dick-lit classic, HIGH FIDELITY.
I didn't buy the book yet,
mainly because I'd like to co-opt the concept,
and write the Pinoy Male's version.
I already have a title in mind:
"I Never Turned Down a Blind Date in My Life"
Will mine be a memoir?
A "tell all" book with names changed to protect identities?
(and to protect my life and limb)
A satire or a self-effacing auto and eroto-biography?
and thoughts of lawsuits & death threats,
will Tell...
here's a reader review of The Bachelor Chronicles,
again, from
A brutally honest and consistently hilarious book!
Reviewer: A guy who reads
When I first got the book,
I had planned to save it for a long flight.
But when I started reading the first few pages,
I couldn't stop -
and finished the damn thing by the next morning.
The author's hilarious accounts
of his horrible dating experiences are a wonderful anecdote
to all the stultifyingly dumb dating crap
you read in self-help books and magazines
by socalled experts who you know,
secretly, haven't had dates in years.
Geraci, one of those socalled experts,
decides to tell the truth:
that in fact, as an expert he is an expert idiot,
a man as clumsy, insecure and shallow as every other dope.
What separates this book from being just another
"funny account" of some guy's dating life,
however, is the author's affable, witty and poignant writing style.
There are countless laugh out loud lines in the book -
and there are other passages within the book
that make you think,
"This guy pretty much knows what we're all thinking."
Buy the book.
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