The Return of The One and Only ...

I've loved DOMINO'S for quite a long time now.
You know, since the time when we actually
called Pizzas by their full names:

My family has quite the bond with Domino's too.
My Cousin Larry
(no, we're not the Perfect Strangers sitcom characters)
opened a Domino's in our hometown of San Fernando, Pampanga
back in the late-1990s. And even after a particularly violent
lahar flow from the slopes of Pinatubo caused massive flooding
in our province and submerged his Domino's
neck-deep, ovens and all,
soon, he was back in business,
providing Pampanga with the precious pies.
one sad day, all the Domino's Pizza restaurants in the Philippines
disappeared. Poof! Gone just like that. Some sort of problem
with the former Franchisor and the local Franchisees.
And boy, did we miss our pies.
Not even the "angels" were
able to compensate...
... until this man came along,
and thundered, "Let there be Pizza!"

Meet Mr. Tong Hong
and his lovely wife, Bu Rim Lee.
Mr. Tong grew up in the United States,
and literally, worked his way up the Domino's chain,
rising from delivery crew to owning his own restaurants.
He's a man who knows and loves his Pizza,
and lives, breathes, and of course, eats it as well.
He relocated to the Philippines to share his piece of the pie,
and together with his partners from Goldilocks,
they are ready to reclaim pizza Dominance for Domino's!

The pies are as good as I remember them.
I enjoyed them with some of my favorite foodies,
blogger/basketball star Richard of Ya Kun Kaya

blogger/photographer extraordinaire Heidi

And soon, many more
Pizza Connoisseurs
were lining up!!!

Deservedly So.
Pizza Perfection
from a
Cute and Capable Crew,
What are you waiting for?!?!
Choose your Pie now:
If you're in
these bikes will deliver your freshly hot pizza in
I love Domino's Pizza in San Fernando, Pampanga. Hope your cousin will reopen it soon.
Sadly parang hindi na ganun ka sarap ang Domino's
Might be the cheese - too bland
the best news i received this week! yeheeeey! i lurrrvvv Domino's! :)
Thats terrific !! I used to enjoy " Didis Pizza" , in Balibago.........
Ricardo in san fran cali.....
Great bllog you have here
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