HINDI KA NAG-IISA : Hi-Def Blu-Ray version... WITH LYRICS!!!
Why Did it Premiere on HALLOWEEN/ALL SAINTS DAY Weekend?

the whole video is reminiscent
of scenes from HORROR CLASSICS
like Frankenstein/Dracula/The Wolfman
where the whole village rises up as one,
carry torches, attack the lair, and destroy the Evil Monster!!!
Can You See the ANALOGY?
NOYNOY and all the ABS-CBN/GMA
talents probably are on the way to Malacañang
This really would make a riveting Telenovela...
just add Richard Gutierrez and Kim Chiu:
SUGPUIN ang (kasinglaki ng) TIYANAK!!!

the whole video is reminiscent
of scenes from HORROR CLASSICS
like Frankenstein/Dracula/The Wolfman
where the whole village rises up as one,
carry torches, attack the lair, and destroy the Evil Monster!!!
Can You See the ANALOGY?
NOYNOY and all the ABS-CBN/GMA
talents probably are on the way to Malacañang
This really would make a riveting Telenovela...
just add Richard Gutierrez and Kim Chiu:
SUGPUIN ang (kasinglaki ng) TIYANAK!!!
"Di ka nga nag-iisa dahil ang mga Lopezes ay nasa likod mo at lahat ng may vested interest sa power na makukuha mo kapag nanalo ka sa susunod na eleksiyon"...At siyempre riding the coattails din lahat ng performers sa "elect me please" video mo at laking publicity nito sa lahat dahil siyempre buhos ang palabas nito sa Tv araw-araw....A clear spread of the candidates platform of govt. should be the focus instead, lalo na yung sariling paninindigan ng kandidato at di hanay sa magulang o kaya katanyagan ng apelyido na higit sa lahat ay madaling intindihin ng bayan.
rasmussenreports.com Rasmussenreports.com – Wed Nov 4, 10:02 am ET
One year ago today, Senator Barack Obama became President-elect Obama. He and his team had run nearly a flawless campaign and were about to embark on what turned out to be a nearly flawless transition effort. By Inauguration Day, the man who had won 53% of the vote saw his overall job approval rating soar to 65%.
As expected, once the campaigning was over and the governing began, those numbers began to slip.
As president, Obama lost the support of Republicans in February during the debate over the stimulus package. Over the summer, economic concerns and the health care debate cost the president support among unaffiliated voters. By October, a month-by-month review showed that Obama's overall job approval had slipped to 48% among Likely Voters.
This morning, on the anniversary of his election, the president's Approval Index rating is at -13, just one point above the lowest level yet recorded and down 41 points since the Inauguration.
Economic conditions have played a role in dimming Obama's support. For much of the past year, voters continued to blame George W. Bush for the economy, but the blame is more evenly divided now between Bush and Obama.
The core promise made down the stretch to voters by candidate Obama was a pledge to cut taxes for 95% of all Americans. Now, more than 40% expect a tax hike and hardly anybody expects their taxes to go down. Not surprisingly, 74% of voters now view the president as politically liberal.
Just 33% believe the stimulus package has helped, and most opposed other economic initiatives including the takeover of General Motors and the cash-for-clunkers program. Among the priorities established by the president, voters consistently see deficit reduction as the most important but least likely to be achieved.
The health care plan proposed by the president is struggling and is supported by just 42% of voters nationwide. Confidence in the War on Terror spiked during the first weeks of the Obama administration but has now fallen to the lowest level in nearly three years. On a related topic, one of the president's earliest initiatives, his promise to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, initially received mixed reviews but is now opposed by most Americans.
Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters now expect politics in Washington to become more partisan over the coming year. That's up 25 points since Inauguration Day when a plurality believed politics might become more cooperative.
Despite the struggles and challenges, however, Obama's overall ratings remain mixed. He retains very strong support from Democrats and endures very strong opposition from Republicans. Among those not affiliated with either major party, there is some dissatisfaction, but it can clearly be turned around if the economy improves.
The president himself remains more popular than his policies. That gives him some good will to draw upon. However, as was shown in yesterday's election results, the president's ability to help other Democratic politicians may be limited.
Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information.
For those who compare their fav presidential candidate to Obama,
Think again.
The scene is a forest, in the dark of the night. Yellow shirts and soft yellow light, Regine Velasquez by a fire in the woods, singing of togetherness and unity and a farewell to fear. There is the small child, offering a bamboo torch to the senator. There is talk show host Boy Abunda, standing on a boat manned by a young boy. There is Kris Aquino, Noynoy’s sister, who is rumored to have been wining and dining A-list celebrities to support her brother. It is national unity via television ratings: the top stars of the warring networks linked by yellow. ABS-CBN’s darlings of prime time television are lit beautifully in the flickering firelight, holding their bamboo torches, hair bouncing as they walk, smiling soulfully into the distance. The camera lets GMA7’s number one love team Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera look lovingly at each other as they walk on, a smiling Sharon Cuneta raises a lantern, Ogie Alcasid marches with torch. There is the odd farmer and soldier, but it’s clear who the stars are. And so the full shot, a great phalanx of torch-bearing, yellow-clad men and women marching to battle, the celebrities at the front lines. Through it all, Noynoy smiles at children, at people, at the camera, smiles blankly, and you can almost hear him count in his head the seconds before he has to turn to the lens. In the end, he leaps awkwardly up to a mound of soil, surrounded by his beautiful constituency, and a sun explodes behind him in shattering brilliance.
In a nation where government responsibility has shifted to the media, and calls for aid are directed to newsroom desks instead of the hotlines of the National Disaster Coordinating Council, this sort of move isn’t particularly surprising. A united GMA7 and ABS-CBN may seem like the best of metaphors for a united nation, but it says very much about the sort of man Noynoy Aquino is. Flanked by stars, surrounded by celebrities, content to ride on the waving banner stamped with his parents’ faces. There is no message, other than that personality is king. There are no voices, not even his. His defenders say it’s not the time for campaign—and yet that video rolls on and on in prime time television. You are not alone, they say, but who stands with you? Anne Curtis? Ate Shawie? Marielle Rodriguez? Just recently, Noynoy promised to give up his share of Hacienda Luisita, and yet denies knowing of eviction notices to farmers even while the case sits in the Supreme Court. Laza continues to march in rallies, five years after a bullet ripped a good man away. Nothing has changed, the same songs, the same names, the same injustices.
They say the miracles are colored yellow now—the yellow of thick lengths of ribbon, the triumphant swags of bright flag, the inside edge of a flame on a bamboo torch held up to a camera lens, the same yellow of grass outside the gates of Hacienda Luisita, where a man named Jesus once walked with his father.
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