Sunday, August 26, 2007

86% Pass Rate!!!


to the brand new RNs of


Just a few hours ago,
the PRC released the much-delayed results of the
June 2007 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exams.

After almost three long months
of holding our collective breath,

we finally received the awesome news that
Universal Worker Inc.,
the review center network I manage,
(I do have a day job. hehehe!)

achieved an 86% pass-rate
(almost double the Philippine national average!)
for the pioneer batch of the
very first STI College of Nursing,
STI San Pablo, Laguna.

In 2008,
18 more STI Colleges of Nursing
will graduate their respective pilot batches.

01 down,
18 to go...

Bring it on!!!!

props to:
Eric, Monina, Kaybee, Maggie, Margaret, Loyda, Rita,
Randelle, Nida, Kai, Jorie, Ces, Karen, Dolph, Beth,
Yvette, Tony, Junita, Suzzette, Chet, Louella, Toni,
Vicky, Connie, Alf, Reg, Ray, Chedie, Jack, Flor, Che,
and wasn't this the perfect birthday gift, Dean Joy?


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