Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Secretary of Injustice

someone tell me,
what's bugging this guy?

he's makes Kris Aquino look like the epitome of tactfulness,
shoots off his mouth like Rosanna Roces on tequila,
and seems hellbent on antagonizing as many segments of society as possible.

here's his latest gem,
as chronicled by Armand Nocum over at

TAKE OFF your masks and run naked.

This was the dare of Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez to University of the Philippines fraternity men next time they run naked to show their conviction in fighting for academic and other rights.

“That’s nothing. I would have a high regard for them if they will remove their masks,” Gonzalez said after the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity in UP held an oblation run four months ahead of the December 16 original schedule.

The run was in reaction to Gonzalez’ statement that the premier state university has been a breeding ground of destabilizers and people running around naked.

“They should remove their masks to show that they are not ashamed of themselves … of what they are doing. Why are they covering their faces?” Gonzalez said in a telephone interview with the Inquirer.

In their run Monday, APO members carried placards saying: “We serve the people who pay for our education.”

Last Saturday, Gonzalez lamented that apart from producing individuals useful to society, UP has been churning out students who are out to bring down the government.

“That school always breeds the destabilizers that haunt the country year after year. They are acting as if they are the only ones who know how to run the country,
” Gonzalez told the Inquirer Saturday.

But he clarified that he was not hitting the entire UP student population because “there are many students there who are bright and good.”

Gonzalez pointed to the Oblation Run of the APO Fraternity as another indication of the kind of students that come from the school.

I doff my head off to them because they initiate the running of naked people … that’s also one kind of culture that they develop there,” he said as he raised hopes that in the future, more women will join the run held in December.

Maybe we are going to that direction … there are now women running naked. I will not be surprised if they will go to school with only their books, nothing more,” he said.

Gonzalez lamented that UP has been the site of numerous protest rallies and symposiums calling for the resignation of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

In every storm that takes place, UP students are in the forefront,” he said. “As a matter of fact, records in our history will show that since the martial law years, students from UP were the ones who went underground and fought the government. In fact many of them went to China and never came back.

Oh, okay.
I get it now.
All his rants and diatribes are meant to distract all of us Pinoys
from focusing on God-knows-what is being planned next
by the skulkers in Malacanang.

Or maybe, he just wants to run around naked too.

in the Philippines,
with great power comes great irresponsibility.


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